User Layers (01h-0Fh)

Isotropic Sensor Network Specifications, User Layers

OSI: Transport Layer

Keywords: general purpose streaming, proprietary data, video, audio, sensors, internet of things, embedded systems, sensor networks

Document: ISN-User-1.0 released on September 15, 2018 by Isotel, (c) All Rights Reserved

Creative Commons License
Isotropic Network Specifications: User Layer 1.0 by Isotel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Note: Any adaptations to this specifications made by groups, individuals or companies are according to the license not allowed for general publication, but we strongly encourage you to send your modifications back to us for further consideration for the next releases.


The scope of this project is to define the Isotropic Sensor Network User layers for broadcast and peer to peer connection in distributed sensor area network, wired or wireless, low and high data rate devices, battery powered devices, short-range devices with short operational space, low-cost devices to support trivial sensors, besides the fully featured devices.


The purpose of this specifications is to provide a standard for low complexity, low cost, and low power (aware) consumption devices (sensors) to encapsulate user kind of protocols for purpose of streaming audio, video and other proprietary data.

Key features

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations


An entity containing this protocol implementation. Also referred as sensor device or just sensor or device.


The format of aggregated bits that are transmitted together in time.


The format of aggregated bits that are transmitted together in time across the physical medium.

Packet Format


Protocol ID






01h - 0Fh


Protocol ID:

defines the unique protocol identification number of the application protocol specific format, any between 01h and 0Fh.

User Payload:

of arbitrary length, typically defined by upper or nested Frame Layer (80h+)

Document Changes




September 15, 2018


Initial Specifications



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